New Contract: 2706/0848 – Library Collections, Furniture, Equipment & Associated Requirements

Published on September 05, 2024
New Contract: 2706/0848 – Library Collections, Furniture, Equipment & Associated Requirements

Procurement Australia’s current contract 2306/0843 – Library Collections, Furniture, Equipment & Associated Requirements is scheduled to expire on Monday, 30th June 2025 with no further options available for extension.

A new tender and resultant contract will be established to replace this current contract with the process commencing shortly.

“Please note that suppliers listed in this blog were the approved suppliers at the time of contract award or extension. It is suggested that members refer to the Catdoc for more up to date information” 

💁🏾 Your Input Matters - Help shape the right contract for your organisation and provide valuable feedback to help create the new contract  2706/0848 - Library Collections, Furniture, Equipment & Associated Requirements.

At Procurement Australia, we are deeply invested in the success of the ongoing process to tailor the perfect contract for our member needs. Collaboration is at the heart of what we do, and by actively engaging with our members, we recognise the significant impact on financial outcomes and long-term benefits derived from collective efforts in contract aggregation.

This approach not only enhances our negotiating power but also results in improved terms, conditions, and pricing. It is through this collective strength that we can secure more favourable agreements that ultimately benefit each member of our community.

Your perspective is invaluable in this process, and we invite you to have your say. Your insights as a member will contribute to the shaping of contracts that align with your unique requirements and expectations. 

By providing your input, you play a crucial role in ensuring that the contracts we forge truly meet the diverse needs of our members.



Next Steps:

To access this contract please complete the contract opt-in process via Procurement Gateway. 

If you have any queries please contact your Relationship Manager. 


PDF Flyer:

2706/0848 – Library Collections, Furniture, Equipment & Associated Requirements - Download

 See current existing contract details:
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