Blogs - Procurement Australia

COVID-19 and rising to the challenge - Procurement Australia

Written by Boris Ng | Apr 22, 2020 1:58:16 AM

Post-Easter and into our fourth week of physical distancing and isolation, this is an opportunity to reflect on what has happened and where we are headed. There are no hard and fast answers, and much will develop and evolve in Australia and around the world as we move forward. As I write this, we don’t know when restrictions will begin to ease but we do know that Governments cannot do it all. Huge amounts of money to support Australian businesses and the community have been announced – Job Keeper and adjustments to Job Seeker, together with State and Local Government relief packages, and much more. Businesses are adapting and innovating and good will come. You, our members and suppliers, are being challenged as business leaders like never before: to keep your businesses running; to maintain goods and services delivery; to modify, adapt and execute your business strategy to keep your company’s value proposition; and, to keep as many staff as possible employed and paid. Hats off to all of you.

Know that all of us at Procurement Australasia Ltd are behind you seeking to add value to all you are trying to achieve in these extraordinary times. We all want to help the economy recover as quickly as possible for the benefit of everyone. You know that our work helps lower cost bases to deliver better profits; that we have significant expertise in aggregated procurement and running bespoke tender events; and, of our advisory/consultancy services. All of these are designed to deliver transformational change in procurement, IT and business operations. If we can help in any way to improve your business during these challenging times, contact us – we are here for you. 

Joe Arena – Chief Executive Officer, Procurement Australasia