Monday, 10 February 2025
    A storm is brewing: nation's road infrastructure at breaking point after extreme weather events

    A storm is brewing: nation's road infrastructure at breaking point after extreme weather events

    Australia is grappling with the profound impact of climate change on its road infrastructure.  

    An inquiry into the national regional, rural, and remote road network from the House of Representatives highlights the toll that floods, bushfires, torrential downpours, and other extreme weather events have taken on the nation’s roads.  

    The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) estimates damages exceed $3.8 billion in New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria alone, emphasising the urgent need for action and stressing that if left unaddressed, current issues are likely to get worse.   

    GrainGrowers Acting General Manager Policy and Advocacy, Sean Cole, said, “With climate change expected to increase the frequency and intensity of weather events such as heat waves, floods, and extreme temperatures, it is vital all levels of government work together to strengthen Australia’s long-term road resilience.” 

    The report categorises issues found in the national road infrastructure: maintenance underinvestment and backlogs, asset condition data gaps, challenges accessing betterment funding, and a lack of cross-government collaboration and planning to support targeted investment and risk mitigation. 

    Focusing on solutions, the ALGA suggests a few priorities: designing roads to allow for greater fluctuation in temperatures; better shade and breeze corridors; infrastructure designed with rising sea levels and storm surges in mind; and planning ahead for extreme natural weather events such as bushfires, cyclones and floods. 

    In addressing road solutions, Procurement Australia’s existing road and traffic products contract offers a variety of solutions for the benefit of our members. An approved panel of suppliers has been compiled to allow our members access to a competitive price. Learn more about what is on offer and how you can become a member by heading to our Road Signs & Lighting, Grates, Covers and Associated Traffic Products  


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