Procurement Insights, speakers and much more at the 2018 conference!

Published on June 10, 2019

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Procurement Australia’s action packed one-day 13th Annual Conference REVISION OR REVOLUTION? is this monthand we have a fantastic line up of speakers to lead the discussions (and debate!) on the key issues that impact the procurement industry.   

Shifts towards renewables, social procurement and greater collaboration are demanding that we think about how and why we make the business decisions we take in the face of such momentous change. 

Plan ahead! Bring your thoughts, ideas and questions with you on the day and check out our event schedule today so you don’t miss out on the speakers and the topics you want to hear more about.

Awards and prizes will be presented on the day to acknowledge the excellent work of people in our industry, and a professional photographer will also be available to take your headshot for FREE – so don’t miss out on a truly exciting and dynamic event! 

Looking forward to seeing you at the Procurement Australia’s 13th Annual Conference.

For more information please contact

View our event schedule HERE

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