Foodservices: School Canteen Guidelines in Australia

Published on October 30, 2020
Foodservices: School Canteen Guidelines in Australia

Church Resources understands following School Canteen Guidelines can be challenging, especially when each state and territory has its own guidelines. The good news is, they are made based on the Australian Dietary Guidelines, and there are many resources available to help schools.

Why are the Australian Dietary Guidelines important?

The Australian Dietary Guidelines defines what a suitable serve sizing is and provides recommendations on how many serves children need from each of the five core food groups.

Most states and territories follow a traffic light system. In the traffic light system, foods and drinks are classified as Green, Amber or Red. New South Wales is the only state that is different with their guidelines classifying food and beverages as Everyday or Occasional.

To support our Education members, Church Resources are running a FREE Foodservices webinar on November 4 and will be providing an in-depth examination of the school canteen guidelines in Australia, as well as tips on how to apply these guidelines to your school. To wrap up the discussion, we will look into procurement solutions available to you today that provide value to your school canteen. To register, please click here.

Hosted by our Foodservice Ambassador, Dr Karen Abbey, who understands first-hand the Foodservices challenges in the Education sector.

What you will learn:

  • Update on the current canteen guidelines
  • How canteen guidelines are developed and compare between states
  • How menus are designed to meet the guidelines in canteens
  • Insights to food manufacturers and the design of food products for canteens

Blog written by Dr Karen Abbey – Procurement Australasia Foodservice Ambassador

Join our FREE Education Webinar – “Nutrition in School Canteens”
When:  November 4 (2.00 pm – 3.30 pm AEDT)

Procurement Australasia’s Foodservice Ambassador, Dr Karen Abbey will be hosting a FREE webinar specifically catered to the issues faced by the Education sector.

To register, click here.
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