Monday, 6 May 2024
    Students provide health care for homeless
    Health Care

    Students provide health care for homeless

    Australian Catholic University lecturer Dr Richard Galeano loves telling his students why he became a paramedic, the Catholic Leader reports.

    “I was walking down Swanson Street in Melbourne when suddenly this ambulance came roaring down the tram tracks,” he said with a wave of his hand.

    “It looked like a fire breathing dragon and I thought, yep that’s for me.”

    Dr Galeano and his paramedicine students recently established a health clinic at Emmanuel City Mission in South Brisbane, delivering medical care to those experiencing homelessness.

    Dr Galeano said the creation of the health clinic was inspired by his students.

    “Students are required to take a community engagement course where they propose how paramedic practice can be improved in the community,” he said.

    “One of my students volunteered at Emmanuel and suggested we set up a health clinic there.”

    Dr Galeano donated his paramedicine gear to the centre and recruited several students to provide health assessments and minor wound care services.

    Paramedicine student Regina Goodman volunteered at the clinic every Wednesday and was surprised by the number of young people experiencing homelessness.

    “It’s challenging to realise you can’t fix every situation,” she said.

    “You have to ask yourself, what can I do to make the biggest difference in the shortest amount of time?”

    Ms Goodman said patients presented with a “variety of health conditions”, however most of her job “is just talking to people”.

    Dr Galeano agreed communication skills were vital for aspiring health professionals.

    “We welcome people here,” he said.

    “When someone is sick, you introduce yourself, show them respect, and you maintain their dignity.”


    ACU paramedicine students provide health care for the homeless (Catholic Leader)


    ACU paramedicine students proudly wear their volunteer vests!Nick Dubravcic