What is a Circular Economy?

Circular economy is an industrial model and system that is intentionally restorative or regenerative. The goal of a circular economy is to retain materials and energy flows at their highest possible value and utility for as long as possible. According to the World Economic Forum, it replaces the end-of-life concept of materials and energy with restoration shifts towards the use of renewable energy, eliminates the use of toxic chemicals, which impair reuse and return to the biosphere, and aims for the elimination of waste through the superior design of materials, products, systems, and business models.

A shift to a circular economy model follows a few core principles:


Main ASPIRE solution benefits include:


Our partnership with ASPIRE

As a founding partner with ASPIRE, we are working to achieve the same circular economy objectives. These shared objectives centre around a desire to help all Procurement Australia members and suppliers to feel empowered to turn unwanted waste into available resources.

Working together, our partnership with ASPIRE aims to help our members and suppliers to:

Our partnerships

Procurement Australia’s partnership with ASPIRE is a testament to our commitment to always work with our members and suppliers needs front of mind. As we embark on this next important step towards more sustainable, ethical and holistic future procurement solutions, we want to take all our members and suppliers along for the journey. Together, we can create solutions that maximise opportunities for more jobs, more shared value and resources, and stronger communities.

Grant opportunities for Victorian Councils

By implementing ASPIRE, eligible Victorian councils may be able to take advantage of grant opportunities as part of Sustainability Victoria’s latest round of funding from the Recycling Victoria Councils Fund.

The Recycling Victoria Councils Fund Round 2 supports councils and Alpine Resort Management Boards (ARMBs) in reducing the amount of waste going to landfill or increasing the volume of materials reused, repaired, repurposed or recycled. Distributed through two funding streams around feasibility and implementation, this round of grant funding from Sustainability Victoria aims to support eligible councils to investigate or implement circular economy solutions and projects.

Learn more at Sustainability Victoria

Find out more about our partnership with ASPIRE

Procurement Australia is proud to partner with ASPIRE to provide sustainable supply chain solutions for our members and suppliers. The team at Procurement Australia is available to answer any questions you may have about the ASPIRE solution and how it could help your business to reduce waste, save on costs and develop previously unexplored revenue streams.

Please fill out the enquiry form below and a Procurement Australia representative will be in contact directly to assist you with the ASPIRE solution.


Your partners in procurement success

The Procurement Australia team is here to help you achieve your procurement goals, meet your deadlines and deliver exceptional outcomes.


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