Tendered Solution

Retail Energy - Fixed Price Fixed Term (FPFT)

Our Retail Energy Fixed Price Fixed Term (FPFT) contract provides customers with fixed-term energy supply to meet electricity and gas requirements for both small-market and large-markets.

Please note that some contract categories may not be accessible in every state. For further details, please log in below.

Contract Status:
Contract Start Date:
01 July 2023
Contract Expiry:
30 June 2026
Contract Extensions:

Solution Categories


Solution History - Past and Present Contracts and Contracts Extensions

Initial Contract - Retail Energy - FTFP
01/07/2023 - 30/06/2026 (Active)

To find out more about these contract changes, get in contact with your relationship manager.

Tendered Solutions Overview

Our Retail Energy - FTFP contract allows customers to take advantage of a collaborative contract designed to secure the best possible energy and gas prices over a fixed-term.

Your Feedback Matters

Help shape the right contract for your organisation, your perspective is invaluable in this process, and we invite you to have your say.

Solution Suppliers


Category Document

The Procurement Australia Category Document streamlines tendering for our customers. Tailored for tendered contracts, it offers a comprehensive breakdown of available product and service categories. To download the Category Document, please click the button below and fill out our form, the document will be sent to your email.


Ready to Start Saving?

Leverage our exclusive contract to elevate your procurement strategy.