Special update for our members
As we deal with the current unprecedented global situation caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our highest priority is the health, safety and well-being of our people and our members.
We have equipped our staff with technology, including remote meeting solutions, so they can continue working. This helps encourage social distancing and maintains our social responsibility to others within our community.
Procurement Australasia continues to remain in regular contact with all our suppliers to minimise any potential delays. We want to ensure that our members have everything they need at all times while continuing to support Australian business.
How our suppliers can help
Information, Communication and Technology – Hardware
With the increase in remote work in response to COVID-19, it can be challenging to maintain team productivity and engage with customers virtually. At Procurement Australasia, we want to update you on our Information, Communication and Technology – Hardware offering. There are some stock availability issues for desktops and laptops currently for our members.
It is important to know that we are working with our partners and they are ensuring that there is stock still coming into the country, and all distributors are operating as usual. There will be a short waiting period; however, the stock is coming in. It is important to note that apart from laptops and desktops, most all other stock lines are available.
We know our members are eager to understand the impact this situation will have on their business and how to counterattack its effects. At Procurement Australasia, we know that most of our members are looking to roll out work from home strategies, we can help with an array of products and services that can assist.
- Data sims – (Telstra, Optus & Vodafone)
- Dongles – to assist with slow internet or poor connectivity
- Video Conferencing Solutions and unified Communications options – to assist with business continuity where staff can work from home and stay connected.
Talk to our specialist today (02 9478 1442) for a tailored plan for your business.
Electrical and Whitegoods
At Procurement Australasia, we can help you with all your Electrical and Whitegoods needs. We have an extensive range of electrical products and whitegoods to support your organisation.
See our online shop or talk to our specialist today (02 9478 1442).
*Note that some stock may be limited.
We are here to help
Whatever your situation, we are here to help. Reach out to your dedicated Procurement Australasia contact for any ordering of products or services, questions or concerns that you may have.
Most importantly, stay safe and we will continue to monitor the situation closely and inform you of any updates.

Talk to Procurement Australasia’ procurement specialist, Warren Ivell, today to enquire about anything your organisation needs.
Email: WIvell@paltd.com.au
Phone: 02 9478 1442