At Procurement Australia, we are proud to be one of the nation’s largest member-led procurement solutions companies. Part of being member-led means we are focused on doing what’s right for all of us — for our members, our suppliers and for the planet.

With meaningful partnerships at the heart of everything we do, we know that we cannot achieve this on our own. We need our members and suppliers behind us every step of the way.

We recognise that the market and our members’ needs have changed. Over the last year, we’ve put in the work to understand exactly what our members expect of us to help them achieve their procurement goals, both now and in the future.

The result of this work is an updated identity that can carry Procurement Australia and our members confidently through the next 30 years and beyond.

We want to be a driving force behind the next era of holistic and ethical procurement around Australia. 

Why has the brand changed?

The refreshed brand is more than an update to the logo, colour and feel. The updated logo represents our intention to honour our proud history, while also looking boldly to our bright future.


Perhaps most importantly, this change to our brand identity was inspired and driven by members, for our members.


For over 30 years, we have worked in partnership with suppliers and members to find and deliver the most innovative and sustainable supply chain solutions. Throughout that time, we’ve continued to evolve and grow as a business in order to best support our members’ procurement goals, no matter their size or industry.


Over the last year, we’ve worked hard behind the scenes to ensure our brand, values and operations are in line with our larger strategic goals. To do this, we connected with dozens of our members across all our industry touchpoints to better understand what they wanted from us moving forward.


In all of these interactions we heard the same thing; members are looking for clarity, greater transparency, and our clear commitment to more sustainable supply chain solutions.


The change is also a recognition of our commitment to align ourselves more with where members need us to be. 

What will stay the same?

While there will be a number of noticeable changes in our identity and communications moving forward, most of what you know about Procurement Australia will stay the same.


We can still be found at the same address in Melbourne’s CBD (Level 10, 440 Collins Street). You’ll also continue to engage regularly with the same relationship manager you had before the brand update.


Most importantly, we will continue to deliver the same level of customer service we are renowned for. At our core, we are still committed to integrity, diversity and delivering a 10/10 customer experience for all our members. 

Our Church Resources heritage

As one of the nation’s leading procurement services companies, we are immensely proud of our history.


Over the last 30 years, we’ve developed enduring relationships throughout numerous sectors of business and industry. A large number of these important relationships are within the not-for-profit sector, in particular, our connections through the Church Resources side of our business.


The Church Resources brand has been an integral part of our growing identity since it merged with Procurement Australia in 2017. Throughout this time, the two brands have worked in tandem to provide members throughout varying sectors with the same level of customer service, rigour and transparency we have become known for. With this next evolution of our business, we have made the decision to amalgamate the Church Resources brand within the updated Procurement Australia identity.


While this means the Church Resources brand will gradually fade from our imagery and communications, its legacy will not. We would not be able to move forward with our strong ethos and commitment to our growing number of not-for-profit members without the lasting influence of Church Resources’ history and dedicated staff.


As Procurement Australia moves forward as one organisation, we remain deeply committed to supporting our not-for-profit members to reach their procurement goals. 

Same ‘We get it’ approach to our procurement solutions

We know how crucial our involvement as leading aggregators is to the success of both our members and suppliers - it’s what drives us to continue working with something bigger in mind each day.


While our identity may be getting a refresh, the way we procure our solutions will not change. We will still approach every solution for our members with the same rigour and commitment to compliance across all sectors, from not-for-profit through to government and commercial. 

Procurement Australia Suppliers

The ‘Procurement Australia Authorised Supplier’ mark was originally created to provide our  panel of suppliers a way to advertise they are approved as part of one of our panel arrangements.


We know many Procurement Australia suppliers have used the logo in various digital and print assets authorised by Procurement Australia to demonstrate that they had gone through the rigorous Procurement Australia tender process.


With the launch of our updated brand, we have changed the Authorised Supplier logo to simply Supplier. 

Procurement Australia Supplier

This change signals the authorisation for any Procurement Australia supplier to be able to use the new logo.

As was previously the case, the Procurement Australia master brand cannot be used by our suppliers. The new Supplier logo will now allow every trusted Procurement Australia supplier who has an arrangement or contract with us, to use this as an authorised asset on their digital and print assets.

If you are a current Procurement Australia supplier and would like a copy of the updated Procurement Australia logo, contact 

Your partners in procurement success

The Procurement Australia team is here to help you achieve your procurement goals, meet your deadlines and deliver exceptional outcomes.

Over the coming months we will be introducing gradual changes to our existing products and services.

We’re here to answer any questions you may have about how the brand will transition.  

Contact a Representative

Join the Procurement Australia family

Interested in becoming a member or supplier of Procurement Australia?

We’d love to have you onboard.  

Become a Member
Become a Supplier
We are member led
We are human-centered
Our suppliers