Procurement Australia: CEO Recruitment Update

Published on June 29, 2023
Procurement Australia: CEO Recruitment Update

Dear Members,

On behalf of the Board of Procurement Australasia Ltd, trading as Procurement Australia, I provide an update on the Procurement Australia CEO recruitment process.

As you may be aware, Joe Arena resigned as CEO on the 24th April 2023. Since then, the Board has formed a Nominations Committee to manage the recruitment process and make recommendations to the Board regarding a permanent CEO. As part of its role, the Nominations Committee will oversee an open external process to identify a suitable new CEO.

As the recruitment process for a new CEO can take up to 6 months, the Board appointed Strategic Sourcing Director, Brendan Hoare, to the role of interim CEO. As an executive leader in the business with over a decade’s tenure and experience, Brendan was the ideal choice to lead the Procurement Australia team through this transition period.

The Board is focused on building on the strategic and operational momentum generated in the last few months and we expect to make an announcement about the appointment of a CEO before the end of the year.

The Board appreciates the support of our shareholders, members and staff, as we embark on a new and exciting chapter for Procurement Australia.

Should you have any queries, please contact me at

Yours sincerely

Glen Signature

Glenn Patterson
Board Chair, Procurement Australasia Ltd

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