Our sales team has what it takes

Why do all the research for new products, when you have access to a world class team of experts who have the experience and knowledge to bring you the solution you need, quickly and within budget.

We know who you need to talk to get the job done, so give us a call today.

  • Green-Arrow

    Experience to ensure your solution fits perfectly and expertise to save time.

  • Yellow-Arrow

    Compliance: all of our suppliers complete a comprehensive veto process, you also know if the supplier is public sector ready.

  • Red-Arrow

    Support: Our team can help you every step of the way to ensure a smooth procurement process for your organisation.

  • Blue-Arrow

    Our team is just a phone call away to ensure that your procurement problems are our problems as well

We are totally committed to offering you the best possible customer service and experience and we are passionate to be able to support you to take your business or organisation to the next level.


Procurement Australasia looks at the total cost of ownership, helping with inventory reductions and process improvements. These can be just as important as cost savings when making the purchase. With 55 years of experience, we get that it is important to look holistically at the purchase and potential benefits and risks. This is particularly the case with assets that are supposed to last a long time.

You gain because you save money, time and reduce risk, suppliers gain because we provide them with volume sales and great customers like you, and we gain because we make it all happen in an accountable, responsible and transparent way.

sales team

Key Features and Benefits for Members


with of 55+ years of experience out team is on your side, we are commited to ensuring that you have the best result possible, this guanrantess you absolute peace of mind when dealing with suppliers as we are always there to assist and resolve any issues that may arise.


Have confidence that your energy procurement is backed by experts who will initiate, manage and track supplier queries as well as provide market pricing/trend reports.


Looking for a solution but not sure where to start? Our team of experts will be able to brainstorm ideas with you to find a solution from one of our suppliers that meets your needs. We do the research for you, try us today


Get your solution once and properly, our team ensures you save by doing the job right once and at a great price leveraging our national buying power.

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