The evaluation phase of 2403/0109 Bulk Fuels tender has concluded.
This contract replaces 2003/0107 Bulk Fuels and commences on 1 April 2022 for 2 years (expiring on 31 March 2024) with the option to extend for two (2) x 12 month periods.
The categories included are:
Category 1 | Bulk Fuels |
Category 2 | Bulk Metered Deliveries |
Next Steps:
To access this contract, please complete the contract opt-in process via Procurement Gateway.
Contracts have been awarded to suppliers in the downloadable flyer below:
“Please note that suppliers listed in this blog were the approved suppliers at the time of contract award or extension. It is suggested that members refer to the Catdoc for more up to date information”
For more information and how this contract can benefit your organisation, please contact your Procurement Australia Relationship Manager.