Foodservices: Food Safety Plan

Published on October 07, 2020
Foodservices: Food Safety Plan

What are food safety plans?

Church Resources understands food safety plans are the cornerstone of all food safety programs. Having a sound plan which is flexible and incorporates all the food safety elements is essential to managing any food safety risk. There are several sections to a food safety plan, and each needs to be monitored and regularly updated to counteract any changes.

What considerations should a food safety plan cover?

The food safety plan is closely tied to the menu and managing the risks around allergens and intolerances. As such, attention to detail should be emphasised when addressing areas on the menu where higher risk foods are being used. A comprehensive food safety plans start with ensuring all critical control points are being monitored and accurate records maintained.

Often overlooked, but just as important, is the food supply’s ability to source high-quality ingredients which  meet the needs and expectation of your clients from a taste and safety perspective . For example, there has been considerable discussion in the Aged Care sector around how eggs should be cooked and rules around serving.

With the hospitality industry becoming more interconnected with technology, online food and grocery delivery services open more options for aged care residents at meal times. However, being an external provider, these services decrease control of food quality and safety. 

This can only be managed through a supporting program where foods ordered in are logged so that the integrity of the food safety plan is not compromised.

Aged care homes and community meals services will need to manage risks and expectations together with the community aged care standards highlighting consumer choice. 

Church Resources is planning a food safety event to help aged care and community care organisation to stay up to date with the latest developments in food safety. This event will be discussing food safety,  industry updates and food safety technology

What you will learn:

  • Update on food safety plans and what is happening in the food safety space through an auditor’s update
  • Residents’ access to outside food sources – supermarkets and meal delivery services, what is the risk and how to manage
  • Food safety technology – how it can monitor, improve and support the management of food safety plans

Blog written by Dr Karen Abbey – Procurement Australasia Foodservice Ambassador

Join our FREE Aged Care Webinar – “Food Safety – Update and Technology for the Aged Care Sector”
When:  October 8 (2.00 pm – 3.30 pm AEDT)

Procurement Australasia’s Foodservice Ambassador, Dr Karen Abbey will be hosting a FREE webinar specifically catered to the issues faced by the Aged-Care industry.

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