Helping Aged & Community Care Providers Manage their Electricity Costs

ACCPA Procurement is proud to have partnered with Procurement Australia, one of Australia's leading Procurement Services organisations. Procurement Australia offers a diverse range of aggregated volume product, commodity & service contracts to over 23,000 members nationally, helping them save costs and increase efficiencies across a wide range of procurement categories within their organisations.

If your organisation is feeling the pressures of increased electricity pricing, now is the time to act and ascertain whether Procurement Australia’s contract can help you minimise these increases and potentially save money.

ACCPA Partner Procurement Australia

Key Features and Benefits for Members

We understand that minimising the impact of recent increases in power pricing is crucial, particularly for the Aged & Community Care Sector. As such, and to support ACCPA members in New South Wales, Victoria & Queensland, Procurement Australia is showcasing their current Electricity contract and offering this to ACCPA
members who have small market electricity business requirements.

The Procurement Australia Electricity contract offers ACCPA members the opportunity to access electricitycommodity prices* that are known and fixed by year through to June 2025 and that were determined by a tender event conducted in late 2021 before the significant electricity price increases of 2022 occurred.

The graph below displays the volatility and price movement in the electricity market by state and highlights current market pricing and the timing of Procurement Australia’s activity in the market to lock in commodity pricing applicable under their contract which may provide cost savings to your current electricity contract.


ACCPA_National Electricity Market – Spot Price Movement

Talk to us today to help you manage your electricity cost: